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Unit Member:

A member who belongs to a unit that meets throughout the year and promotes the study of parliamentary procedure.  Unit membership may be any class of membership.  


Member at Large:

A NAP member who has not joined a unit is called Member at large (MAL).



Provisional Member is a person who is preparing for NAP membership who has paid MSAP and unit dues.


NAP Member is a member who has demonstrated basic knowledge of parliamentary procedure by passing an entry level examination from NAP.  These members have full membership in NAP and MSAP and may serve as delegate to the NAP biennial convention and MSAP Annual Meeting.  These members are not credentialed.


Registered Parliamentarian (RP) Member is an NAP and MSAP member who has demonstrated an in-depth knowledge of parliamentary procedure and passed a comprehensive examination.  This is the first of two levels of credentialed parliamentarians.  They are required to maintain their certification through NAP and continue their education.


Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP) Members is an RP who has demonstrated advanced skills and knowledge in putting parliamentary procedure into action. These members are required to maintain their certification through NAP and continue their education. This is the highest level of credentialed parliamentarians

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