Well run meetings are within your reach
Missouri State Association of Parliamentarians (MSAP) serves parliamentarians and those interested in learning about parliamentary procedure.
promotes interest in and study of parliamentary procedure and the educational programs of NAP.
promotes opportunities for the study of parliamentary law
promotes interest in deliberative assemblies in the democratic practice of this procedure
promotes cooperation between parliamentarians in the state
Join the Missouri State Association of Parliamentarians (MSAP) to gain the confidence and skills you need in your leadership role. Membership gives you access to education and support from our state’s top experts in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th Edition.
Arch Metro Unit
All meetings by Zoom
Meets quarterly
Joy Freeland, PRP President
Fishing River Unit
Kansas City North/Liberty Area
Meets 3rd Monday, 6 pm
September through May, except December
Joy Freeland, PRP President
Heartland Parliamentary Unit
Warrensburg Area
Meets March – May and September – October
Darlene Buckstead, President
Jacomo Unit
Independence Area
Meets 3rd Tuesday, 7pm
Roxanne Hubbard, PRP-R, President
Plaza Unit
KC Area
Meets 1st Saturday, 2:30pm
September – May except December and January
Valencia Broadus, President
Santa Fe Trail Unit
Independence Area
Meets 3rd Thursday, 7pm, September – May except December
Denise Irminger, PRP, President